Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cherries, Lemons & Meatballs

"Happy Canada Day", a little late .....celebrating with Italian flags doing double duty cheering on the Italians against Spain (Sorry Italy!......)

Italy is experiencing a Heat Wave, every night on the news there are pictures of very hot citizens of many cities throughout Italy discussing the temperature and how they are keeping cool.  We are no exception Even though we have air conditioning we have been feeling quite warm (sorry you guys in Vancouver).   We get up early and get to the Market before it gets too hot.

Above is a picture of Orlando with his two assistances Fatbardh and Matteo at our favorite stand at the daily Treviso Produce Market. Everyday the produce market is set up near the fish market. They are friendly, give samples and help Danna with her Italian.

Since we are trying to be like the Italians we are spending the hot afternoons reading or just keeping as cool as we can.  We decided we should be doing something useful so we made peach jam, as the peaches are plentiful and the store bought jam is full of sugar.  

We came across an Italian cooking show one afternoon. The Chef was making his version of Spaghetti and Meatballs.  Since we are limited in the things we can cook, with only a few pots and pans we decided that Meatballs were a good option.  Of course the sauce we had already mastered back in Canada.  In the local Super Mercato we found they sell a mixture of ground pork and beef  for Meatballs,
it is called Mista.  We used a day old panino bun for the bread crumbs, mixed everything together and before we knew it we had these gorgeous and delicious Meatballs.

Nothing is better than meatballs and wine!

We have never eaten so many cherries before moving to Italy.  Everyday we buy a big handful and eat them after lunch.  One day Danna was trying to think of some other ways to enjoy cherries and came across a blog that talked about Cherry Lemonade.  
Since the lemons here are so amazing and plentiful we decided to make our version of "Cherry Lemonade da Treviso".  A little side note about the lemons, they came from the Amalfi Coast and the flavour is so much more .......lemony if that is possible.

In the middle of making our Lemonade, we decided to have our lunch.  Danna had been dreaming about a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich, so after discovering Skippy Peanut Butter and a kind of white bread at the Pam Store we were able to satisfy that craving very nicely (the bread comes sliced with no crusts and the best before date was 2 September, so it is an Italian Wonder Bread).

Our finished Cherry Lemonade, using our recycled water bottles as jugs, ready for the fridge.  

This afternoon was another warm one to put it mildly.........we waited until after 7 pm to have dinner, deciding to make Zucchini Fritters with Greek Yogurt Aoli and a cold
Green Bean, Potato,Tuna and fresh Mozzarella  Salad.   It was an excellent "Happy Canada Day Dinner", add our icy cold Cherry Lemonade and it was just like being at home with family and friends. (Anyone needing a holiday from the rain in Vancouver? Italy has lots of Sun and we can share!)

1 comment:

  1. As always, every meal at your house is cause for celebration!! Everything looks fantastic! Now, we are off to warm up with a bowl of oatmeal! But on the bright side (all pun intended), we are saving immense amounts of money on sunscreen!!
