I can see why they picked this to be their new home.
Through their other company South Westy Shuttle they also offer a shuttle service to the airport. Their Mercedes van can easily accommodate 7 people and baggage.
With all the sunshine this is the perfect place to sit and relax by the pool. Yes, I did check it out and it was the perfect way to spend the afternoon. A few finishing touches and the tiles will all be in place.
Their children Daniel and Angelina seem to follow in their parents footsteps. Daniel has his own business getting fresh baked goodies from the bakery, this is how he could afford his new BMX.
Angelina is a charming young lady that takes after Eva. In a few years all the boys in town will be at her doorstep.
Both enjoy being around the adults and contribute to the conversation.
One night we were out for a walk and we took this family portrait.
Do you think they are having fun?
When we went to the mall in Béziers I took a picture of this statue. I think it summarizes the Hamori families outlook on life.
Looking to the horizon with the expectation of a
Future filled with peace and happiness.
Looking to the horizon with the expectation of a
Future filled with peace and happiness.
I hope the Hamori's use that neat picture for their new family shot! Wouldn't it be weird to be so happy to see rain in Vancouver that we went out and danced in it?!