Monday, January 21, 2013

Doug's Birthday

The past few days have been foggy with little bits of sunshine thrown in just to keep us from getting too depressed. Here we can see the Skytrain Bridge peaking through the fog.

Skytrain Bridge over the Fraser River

Fish Stories on the Fraser River

On Friday we saw a couple of gentlemen fishing or maybe just telling stories. Is the man on the right showing how big the one that got away was?

When I asked the man he just laughed and said "maybe it was even bigger but he did not want to exaggerate".

Walking back from the Market we saw something that reminded me of my cousin Adriano in Italy. This cat has a pampered life just like Adriano's two cats.
Cat and a Bag

Saturday was a special day, our good friend Doug celebrated his 60th birthday. His wife Nancy was the mastermind behind the surprise birthday party. The planning was done with military secrecy and coordination.
A good time was had by ALL!


All were concerned that the smoke detectors would sound with all the smoke from the candles.

Since Doug and Nancy are heading off to Mexico the sombrero and sunglasses were perfect gifts. Our toast to Doug was made with a shot of tequila in keeping with the Mexican theme.

Doug loves the idea of sitting in the sun and doing.....nothing! Here he is with his Mexican attire, sun glassed and a bandana. The only thing that would be different is that he would not be wearing long sleeves and maybe have a glass of "hydration" in his hand.

In the front row is "his favorite niece, Lacey".


"Take only memories, Leave only footprints!"


  1. Wow - No party is complete without you guys there! Thanks for coming!!

    Just for the record though, Josh & Kathy were the masterminds behind it all not me - I just had to do the lying!!!!

  2. Great pics! It was great to meet you guys so that we don' t feel like a "lurker" anymore
